
Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Zoo Wo-Hoo!

One day I want snorkel with these guys!

Don-a, Don-a, Don-a (Thats supposed to be the jaws music)...

Turtle, Turtle, Turtle...
No my dear, thats not Dumbo.
This poor guy made us realize how closely related humans and apes/monkeys/gorillas really are.  It was so funny, as we watched this gorilla it was as if he had worked a long day and now was ready to relax.

1 comment:

Pyper Nicholes said...

Hi Trev, You're not keeping up on this blog thing very well. Schools crazy for you, though! So, anyways, this is dumb, but you've been tagged. Go to my blog Cut and paste, and follow the rules. See you later!