About US
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Updates are just around the corner, or after finals...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
We are dorks!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Zoo Wo-Hoo! Continued...
The Zoo Wo-Hoo!
My New Toy
Our Trip To Albuquerque
Darn car accidents and construction!
Fourth of July
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Recently I found a band named Vitamin String Quartet. This band takes all the famous songs and makes them into eh...I don't know if you would call it classical or what but they make the song into orchestra like music. Either way look it up on itunes and you can find tons of their music. Anyways back to my point, I found a couple cd's that were done as a tribute to Dashboard, and they are awesome! This way I can listen to dashboard while I study and what not. Check them out and let me know what you think.
I also added the song from Gavin Rossdale, for those of you that don't know the name Gavin was the lead singer of Bush (ya know the song....gotta machine head, its better than the rest....and the song glycerin). I really like this song.
So I decided I needed to make a list of things that I need to blog about, eventually.
1. Summer School: both of us are taking classes and well summer school isn't the funnest thing.
2. My adventures of telling my teacher what I really thought of her class...
3. Practicum: This summer I began my first therapy practicum. What that means is I am working with a psychologist in his practice seeing clients and doing forensic evaluations on juvenile offenders (simply put we are doing competency evaluations in order to determine if they are competent to stand trial).
4. July 4th: Who would have thought our little town of Vegas would have fireworks.
5. I can't remember the other things, but I'm sure I will remember them.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Time with our Best Friends!
Our Four Wheeling Adventure

I promise the hill was alot bigger than what it looks like in the picture. But I have to give props to Mom cause she went down the bigger one, but than again she tried going up one that she shouldn't have and could have had bad results but we won't go there. Love ya Mom!
Gettin Ready to Ride

Utah Vacation Continued...
After the temple we went golfing at West Ridge (which should be called windy ridge). The three of us could have played better golf but it was enjoyable none the less.
The next day Emily continued her shopping spree...(Love you Smooch)! That night we met up with the old gang from high school. We met up with Chase, Kyle, Summer, Benton, and Melissa at Red Robin (Yum!!! just like the commercial). It was fun to visit with everyone and find out what everyone was up too. Oh, and those bottomless fries...amazing! Just a side note here: Summer taught me that once you sit down and are looking over the menu, you can ask the waiter or waitress to bring out fries. This way while your deciding what you want and while you wait for it to be prepared you can be chomping down on fries!
Our Vacation to Utah
The Dinosaur Museum and The Gardens
As I walked around the corner, I saw her eyeballing me and it was love at first.....well death I guess. I think I even heard the band playing.
This was on of Emily's favorite dinos.
Never had a brother, so I decided to pick on the newest edition to the Halversen family.Use at the Gardens.

The Garden flowers were amazing.
A couple pictures of the fam. Aren't we all so cute?
If you cant MOON your family, who can you MOON?
Happy Fathers Day Dad! HAHAHAH
After 55 acres of flowers I got a little thirst....is she trying to push me in?